- Mr. Win
- 0084963211311
- thang@toanthangship.com
- 0084938618131
- 2367217912
- toanthangshippingvn
Panama Registered port : Panama Class : N.K. Date of Delivery : Nov, 2005
Type of Vessel : Log/Bulk Carrier
– Unable to load log on deck Length : 170.70 M (LOA) 163.50 M (LPP) Breadth : 27.00 M
Depth : 13.80 M Draft : 9.716 M(Summer) 9.514 M (Winter)
Gross Tonnage : 17,979 TONS Dead Weight : 29678 MT Net Tonnage : 10,748 TONS
Type of Engine : MITSUI - MAN B & W 6S42MC 6150 Kw x 136RPM, 5230 Kw x 128.8RPM
Speed & Consumption : Abt 14.0 Knots (Ballast) / Abt 13.5 Knots (Laden)
FO : 24.0MT/day DO : 0.2MT/day
IN PORT(W 24HRS) FO : 3.1MT/day DO : 0.1MT/day
IN PORT(W 8HRS) FO : 2.6MT/day DO : 0.1MT/day
IN PORT(I) FO : 2.1MT/day DO : 0.1MT/day
Cargo Gear : No.1-4 : 30.5 MT Crane Hatch Size : No.1 : 12.75M X 16.20M
No.2-5 : 20.00M X 17.82M
ECO SPEED/CON (WOG/for reference only)
ABT 12.00KT(B) 11.50KT(L) ON ABT 18.0MT IFO + ABT 0.1MT MDO
Hold Capacity Hold GRAIN BALE
No.1 5,582.08 CBM 197,131 CBF 5,321.25 CBM 187,920 CBF
No.2 8,686.07 CBM 306,749 CBF 8,323.06 CBM 293,929 CBF
No.3 8,731.18 CBM 308,342 CBF 8,328.93 CBM 294,136 CBF
No.4 8,804.52 CBM 310,932 CBF 8,436.41 CBM 297,932 CBF
No.5 8,227.55 CBM 290,556 CBF 8,012.75 CBM 282,970 CBF
Total 40,031.40 CBM 1,413,710 CBF 38,422.40 CBM 1,356,887 CBF
Type of Hatch Cover : FOLDING TYPE
All figures “about.
Speed/ consumption based on under good weather conditions no adverse affect of current sea swell up to and including beau fort scale force 4 / DSS 3.