Văn hóa Công ty

"The sea can hold the water from thousands of rivers, it's big because of its capacity. 

A person is great when he can be tolerant and Forgiving to many other people."

We have been enhancing the corporate culture of “Self-discipline and Social Commitment”.

Our employees are encouraged to be honest, sincere, self-motivated and hardworking. With the growing increase in our corporate value, the employees’ own individual value will surely be brought into full play.

A strong shipping culture is an important part of our company’s offer to customers, associates and employees.

The shipping culture is based on our core values; safety first time, prevention of human injury or loss of life, avoidance of damage to the environment, customer satisfaction.

Along with clear policies on safety and environment, customers’ relations, risk management, this provides us with a solid fundament for prosperous business and gives customers and associates a clear indication of what to expect.

the Philosophy of our business:

We believed in getting things done at right way and at the right time, committed to each and every one the value of our workmanship that contributes in strength in propelling our company needs to serve our partners, clients or customer to highest possibility. Equipped with companies core values we believes we will excel in every transaction, big or small details that we handle driven with applied professionalism we can do it. With TOANTHANG SHIPPING ... "We Serve You Better".
